Thursday, December 8, 2011

Blink-182's Mark Hoppus Produced Motion City Soundtrack

Blink-182's Mark Hoppus Produced Motion City Soundtrack: "You can't argue with the results," says first-time producer, Mark Hoppus. (7.30.09)

It's The Avengers Vs. The X-Men In Marvel's 2012 Event

It's the question that every comic book fan has wondered: who would win in a battle between Marvel Comics mega-teams The X-Men and The Avengers? Soon we will know, when the 12-issue event Avengers Vs. X-Men hits stores starting April 2012. The talent on this series is a who's who of the best of Marvel's writers and artists: Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron, Jonathan Hickman, Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, John Romita Jr., Olivier Coipel and Adam Kubert.

The event will ship twice monthly and here's the official synopsis from

"The Avengers and X-Men have learned that the all-powerful embodiment of both death and rebirth known as the Phoenix Force is on a crash course for Earth…and it needs a new host to unleash its immeasurable power. But what is the shocking decision tied to the Phoenix’s return that will pit the Avengers against the X-Men? And when good friends become bitter enemies, what does this mean for the future of the Marvel Universe?"

Those who wish to learn more about this groundbreaking (literally) event should tune in to the Avengers Vs. X-Men Live Kickoff beginning at 3:00pm ET, Wednesday, December 7, on and

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Exclusive: Mark Hoppus Talks Blink-182 Reunion 'The future is wide open,' Hoppus tells MTV News in part one of a two-part interview.

Blink-182 in 2004Blink-182 in 2004
Photo: Mike Guastella/ WireImage

In November, Mark Hoppus set the Internet abuzz with one simple blog post.
It was the first time he'd updated his site, since his best friend (and bandmate) Travis Barker escaped a fiery plane crash in South Carolina, a crash that killed four people, including Barker's assistant, "Lil Chris" Baker — whom Hoppus was also close with — and security guard Charles "Che" Still. And while Hoppus' words about the death (and escape) of his friends were undoubtedly touching, they weren't what made message boards tick.
No, it was the last paragraph of the post, in which he wrote that, in the wake of the SC crash, he and Barker had begun spending time with their former Blink-182 bandmate, Tom DeLonge, who left the band under decidedly angry circumstances in February 2005. It was the first time they'd all been in a room together in more than three years, and to many, that meant just one thing: finally, after all that time, it sounded like Blink-182 were getting back together.
Of course, it didn't matter that within a few weeks,Barker had quashed those reunion rumors. For the first time in a long time, millions of Blink fans had hope.Especially since, after starting all the Blink talk, Hoppus had done little to deny it himself. In fact, he hasn't said much of anythingsince then.
Until now, that is. Late last week, Hoppus agreed to talk with MTV News about the past, the present and the future (all of which involve Blink-182). Here, in the first of our two-part chat with him — part two comes Wednesday — he addresses the impact of a single blog entry, repairing his relationship with DeLonge and the prospects of a full-blown Blink reunion.
On That Blog Post: "I'm amazed at the response from what I wrote on my blog. It's awesome that so many people want to know what's going on. And I know there are lots of questions people have, so I'm going to lay it all out here in this interview. I'm just speaking for myself here. The simple answer is, we're still reconnecting as friends right now. None of us know exactly what's going to happen. I do know that we're all very stoked to be talking again, laughing and letting the past remain in the past. But we're also coming together after an extremely acrimonious band breakup, a lot of anger and frustration with one another and four years of not talking. I think that we need to get back to a certain point as friends before we could ever take a stage together again, because that's what we always based everything on."
On His Relationship With DeLonge: "Right now, we're getting back to just being friends. I talk to Tom several times a week, sometimes several times a day, and you know, he's still the same Tom that I talked to on tour buses four years ago. He still talks about UFOs and lasers and conspiracy theories. We talk about new bands we dig — Vampire Weekend — and the movie 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall.' We also make stupid fart jokes. God help us, we're grown men still making fart jokes. ... Who knows? I know two things: One, I'm just glad we're all friends again, and two, none of us know anything for sure beyond that."
On the Future of Blink-182: "The future is wide open. ... Blink-182 wasn't manufactured by a label, and we weren't making music to make money or for fame. We were three friends in a band, writing music that we loved. That's where it began and ended. Before there's reunion talk, we need to get back to that point again. Actually, we would need to get beyond that point, to a place where you can say to someone, 'Hey, man, I'm not really feeling this,' and be able to argue constructively about the music. Because that's where the best of Blink-182 came into being. The pull between the ideas the three of us had. I've always thought that the three of us each brought something unique and special to the songs, and the collision of those elements made the music what it was. In short, we would need to get back to where we're all close enough friends and artists to be able to tell each other, respectfully, 'Suck it.' My final thought is this: If — and this is a big if — Blink-182 were ever to re-form, it would have to be the most amazing, ridiculous, mind-blowing show and tour ever. I feel like, as bitter as our breakup was, we stepped back at the top of our game, and we'd have to come back even stronger and better than before."
So, if there's no Blink reunion in the immediate future, what about Hoppus and Barker's other band, +44? The answer might surprise you. Check out on Wednesday for more.

Blink-182 To Release New Single 'Up All Night' Friday Band has been talking about elusive comeback single since 2009.

Blink 182
Blink 182
Photo: Christopher Polk/ Getty Images

Like a whisper campaign about a tatted-up unicorn, Blink-182's elusive first reunion single, "Up All Night," has been the subject of chatter for years. The band first started talking about the tune in 2009, when they reunited after a nearly four-year hiatus, but because the recorded version of the song wasn't quite finished at that point, they decided against playing the song live during their subsequent tours.
But now they're ready to pull back the curtain on the song, which is slated to premiere at 10:30 a.m. EST on Friday. The tune will roll out on powerhouse Los Angeles rock station KROQ (106.7 FM) and on the band's official website, according to an announcement posted on the group's official Facebook page.
While recording on the band's first new album since their self-titled 2003 disc was recently wrapped, a release date for the 
as-yet-untitled CD has not been announced. Blink went on indefinite hiatus in 2005 amid inter-band tensions and announced their reunion at the 2009 Grammy Awards. They then hit the road that summer along with Weezer and Fall Out Boy.
Though they've kept it off the live list for two years, it's likely "Night" will be added to the band's set when they kick off their upcoming Honda Civic-sponsored tour dates with My Chemical Romance on August 5 at the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, New Jersey. In addition to MCR, the band will be joined by a rotating list of other support acts on the tour, including Manchester Orchestra, Rancid, Against Me! and Matt & Kim.
Bassist Mark Hoppus sounded pumped about the new songs in a recentFacebook post, writing, "Currently listening to THE FIRST MIX FROM THE NEW ALBUM!! Sounds kick. Ass. Cannot wait until this album is released! BOOM!!!"

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Edit Wallpaper ^^

Yah ini mungkin hasil editanku yang biasa" aja hahaha.
editnya juga lagi galau, lagi iseng, lagi apa aja deh terserah...

maaf kalo sblmnya emang editan orang, tp saya edit lagi :D



Yah beginilah hasilnya hehehe ^^ jlek ya :)).

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Game Balap Egrang (J2ME)

Saya membuat aplikasi game J2ME yg judulnya "Balap Egrang". Game ini di buat karena telah berkembangnya teknologi di jaman sekarang, dan semakin tidak ada perhatian masyarakat Indonesia khususnya dalam menanggapi permainan tradisional, mungkin karena sudah di jaman yang modern orang merasa malas untuk bermain permainan Egrang ini dan bahkan pula sampai lupa dengan permainan Egrang ini. Bagai mana agar permainan tradisional Egrang ini tidak kita lupakan? Nah jadi saya membuat game "Balap Egrang" ini agar masyarakat tidak melupakan permainan tradisional Indonesia ini. Dalam format game mobile (J2ME) yang umumnya selalu menjadi sarana hiburan yang praktis, bila dimainkannya game ini orang tidak akan lupa akan adanya game tradisional ini .

Berikut ini adalah gambar" dari game saya hehehe.. :
Tampilan Splash
Tampilan Loading

Tampilan Menu
Tampilan Bantuan

Tampilan About
Tampilan Mulai

Tampilan Game Berlangsung
Tampilan Finish

Saya kepikiran bikin game ini karena pas di suruh buat TA nya game mobile, tapi kalo bisa yang berbau khas Indonesia, ya yang terlintas di pikiran saya EGRANG hehe, saya ajuin judulnya dan alhamdulillah di terima! , ga kepikiran mau buatnya kaya gimana-gimana, nah pas kepikiran makin bingung aja nih, dan lama kelamaan karena ada rasa ingin bisa, mau, dan usaha terbuat lah game ini ^^ .
Mungkin kalo ada niat lagi game ini mau di perbagus :D.
Link download game [here]

Game ini saya buat untuk memperoleh nilai tugas akhir java II program studi keahlian Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak yang berbasis Java (J2ME) yang di wajibkan oleh sekolah saya yaitu SMK Negeri 4 Bandung. Dalam mengerjakan program ini, saya dibimbing oleh kedua guru terbaikku yaitu : 
Guru Pembimbing 1 : Drs. Purwanto, SST.MT 
Guru Pembimbing 2 : Kurnia Jaya Eliazar.

Permainan Tradisional Egrang

Orang Jawa mengenal berbagai macam jenis permainan tradisional, yang sekarang tidak lagi ditemukan. Berbagai macam permainan tradisional tersebut memberi ruang ketrampilan bagi pemakainya. Dalam kata lain, permainan tradisional Jawa tidak menempatkan relasinya hanya pasif. Lebih dari itu harus aktif dan kreatif. Sebab, permainan tradisional Jawa memberikan rangsangan kreatif bagi relasinya.
Salah satu jenis permainan tradisional Jawa apa yang dikenal sebagai egrang. Permainan ini mengandaikan pemakai/relasinya lebih tinggi posisinya. Diluar ukuran tinggi manusia. Bahan yang dipakai sebagai egrang adalah bambu, yang dibuat meyerupai tangga, tetapi tangganya hanya satu. Kapan orang memakai egrang kakinya dinaikan di atas satu tangga, atau pustep kalau meminjam istilah sepeda motor, untuk kemudian berjalan. Jadi, pemakai egrang naik diatas bambu yang dibuat sebagai jenis mainan dan kemudian berjalan kaki.
Karena itu, orang yang memakai egrang perlu melewati proses belajar dulu, karena membutuhkan keseimbangan. Kapan keseimbangan tidak terpenuhi orang bisa jatuh dari egrang. Siapapun bisa menggunakan egrang, tidak harus anak-anak, orang dewasapun bisa menggunakannya.
Egrang bentuknya bisa pendek, tetapi bisa pula tinggi. Yang pasti, kapan orang bermain egrang, posisi tubuhnya menjadi jauh lebih tinggi dari tubuh yang sebenarnya. Persis seperti orang berdiri di tangga, atau naik di atas meja.
Namun permainan egrang sekarang tidak lagi mudah ditemukan. Mungkin malah sudah hilang. Atau barangkali, permainan egrang tidak lagi relevan di jaman sekarang. Di tengah anak-anak terbiasa dengan eskalator yang tersedia di mall: hanya berdiri tangga bisa berjalan sendiri. Egrang sepertinya memberikan “rasa susah” dari fasilitas teknologi.
Tampaknya proses membentuk kreativitas telah menemukan formula yang sama sekali lain. Tidak berawal dari kesaadaran dan inisiatif dari dirinya sendiri dan hanya sedikit sekali memerlukan dorongan dari luar seperti egrang. Kreativitas jaman sekarang memerlukan instrumen yang tidak lagi sederhana dan, sulit meninggalkan teknologi.
Karena itu, egrang adalah masa lalu yang sekedar untuk dikenang dan sulit untuk ditemukan. Anak-anak tidak lagi “mengenal” apa itu egrang dan bagaimana bentuknya. Bagaimana pula cara memakainya.
Mungkin, kembali untuk mengenalkan ingatan terhadap permainan tradisional Jawa, egrang dan jenis permainan tradisional lainnya perlu untuk dihadirkan. Bukan yang utama untuk mengembalikan “kisah masa lalu”. Namun lebih untuk memberikan referensi kultural pada anak-anak sekarang yang terbiasa dengan permainan yang serba teknologis.
Dari egrang, barangkali orang bisa menanapki jenis permainan tradisional Jawa lainnya yang sekarang sekedar sebagai kenangan.